For Service Members and Their Families
For Military Leaders, Suicide Prevention Managers, and Military Community Support Providers
Suicide Prevention Resource Center's Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training
In spring 2019, as a result of the Suicide Prevention General Officer Steering Committee vote, the Office of Military Community and Family Policy took steps to implement training for Military OneSource call center staff and Military and Family Life Counselors. More than 2,000 non-clinical providers have been trained on CALM since 2019. In post-training evaluation feedback, more than 87% of providers stated that the training increased their confidence in discussing access to lethal means and provided concrete ideas for using CALM concepts in their daily lives.
SPRC's CALM training ( is available to the public for free. The Department of Defense is continuing to explore opportunities to implement and evaluate CALM training throughout the military community.
Firearm Retailer Toolkit